Rabu, 21 November 2012

Fun Sun Glasses

Wanna make fun with Sun Glasses? this is a perfect time EVER!! ho ho..we are (Mom, Nazwa, Nazla) indeed so NARSIS!!
ade nangis bukan karena takut liat Mom pake kaca mata lho ya...tapi karena  rebutan kaca mata sama Mom he he...mom koq ga mu ngalahh

Mom juga mu GAYA

mirip ga yaaaa??

kaya capung dehh

sesuai nih muka sama kaca mata sama-sama guedee he he

imyut sangats lah kaka niii

koq matanya ditutup sih de, maluw ya kaca matanya kegedean

gini dunks jadi keliatan kan cantiknya...

musti dipegangin teyus nih kaca matanahh

melorot teyus euuyy

waahh kaca matanya jatoh de

Selasa, 20 November 2012

a Lady with Pulsar 180

How cool Nazwa and Nazla on Bajaj Pulsar 180 with a fave princess dress... it's a combination of feminin and macho style in ONE...

note; it's not ours actually but the most important is...GAYA!!! ho ho ho


The most happiest moment is when Nazwa and Nazla hug mom when mom coming home from working, and Nazwa said "I LOVE YOU MOTHER" while hugging me....I LOVE you too my babies...*tearing*
and if people usually express their love with PINK, we just wanna have another love expression with GREEN :D....This is how we express our happy and lovely moment, the most LOVELY GREEN ;))
KK lagi ga mau di foto
Ade tetep narsis duunks walo kk bete

giliran mu foto bertiga adenya malah kabur!!

peace yo!!

love mom for kk

say peteee

waahh ade ga kena putu he he...

serru kan jalan2 pagi sambil nyanyi "ayo kawanku ayo semuanya ayo kita ke sana ku tau kita pasti bisa!"

ni gaya mau pup ya ka? he he

ayo de...cepetan jalannya

huh! ade nihh nyusu aja...

sini kk pegangin ade

warna baju kita sama kaya rumpuut ;) adenya koq bengong siih

tetep lhoo muka ade ga kliatan...

Wanna Have a Baby

Don't know how or where you two got the idea to have a new baby....
but Alhamdulillah to Allah, we found an old Nazwa's baby doll...and you two can play with it
funny expression of Nazla with the baby

 NazwaNazla with a nu Baby ;)

Senin, 19 November 2012

Gaya Makan Nazla

Saturday Morning, 17 November 2012
Nazla's age was almost 2 years old
this is how Nazla enjoy her food
lagi liat-liat ayam...koq jadi lapeeyyy

Mama minta mam duunks

Mama...mana nih makanannya ade lapeeeyy!!

gini kan enyaak

coba ah kalo sendoknya kebalik bisa ga ya?

ade mau cari peteuynya nihh dimana yaaa

masakan ibu emang paling wokehh


jengkinya mana yaa

hmm dalisiosooo

waduuh sendoknya salah masuk ya de...he he

what a fun time u spent dear....mom luv ya